Despite its contradictions, the nineteenth-century mestizo ideology triumphed, leaning rather towards the position expressed by Riva Palacio, and later derived, after the revolution of 1910-1920, in reason and State project. Throughout the 20th century , this mobile phone number list project was deepened thanks to multiple institutions, among which the Ministry of Public Education, the National Indigenous Institute and the Department of Population of the mobile phone number list Ministry of the Interior (Ministry of the Interior in other countries) stand out.
The post-revolutionary Mexican State established, towards indigenous peoples, an assimilationist model that critical Mexican anthropology denounced mobile phone number list in the 1970s as ethnically discriminatory. The argument behind this complaint was that the indigenist integrationist policy had been proceeding for decades to an "ethnocide" of these peoples. A «cultural assassination» carried out in two intertwined ways: not respecting their mobile phone number list quality as «ethnically differentiated peoples» nor trying to preserve it, and developing, without asking their opinion, policies aimed at assimilating them into a country whose national identity ideal is miscegenation. This critique of indigenism never touched on the issue of racism, which would not be recognized or enunciated until 30 years later by the ezln .
The anti-racist critique
As we have already pointed out, the Zapatista mobile phone number list criticism of the racist character of the Mexican State and society attacked the national project of miscegenation. And he did it in two ways. On the one hand, due to the fact that the central message of the mestizo project was that a country that proudly bases its identity on the mixture of blood and cultures cannot be branded as racist.
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